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Our floor coverings 
Building, Industry & AGRICULTURAL


Brands for the professional division

IDS Bâtiment
Manufactures and sells technical floor coverings for buildings.

IDS Industrie
Manufactures and sells technical floor coverings for industry.

IDS Agri
Manufactures and sells technical floor coverings for the agricultural sector
(cattle and horses).


Our floor coverings for the building

Thanks to its experience, IDS offers you a wide choice of floor coverings for buildings, both indoors and outdoors. Thus, these mats have been specially designed to trap dirt and moisture present under the soles of shoes.

Whether you are looking for a carpet for the reception of your store or a more personalized model to highlight your entrance or your hallway, you will easily find the covering you need in our range. In addition, we have developed specific mats to meet certain constraints such as the PMR standard, disinfectant coatings or even sanitary gratings.

IDS revêtements de sol pour le batiment
IDS revêtements de sol pour le batiment

Our floor coverings for industry

IDS has developed a very complete range of innovative and high-performance but above all anti-fatigue industrial mats that meet the most demanding and varied needs.

Professional flooring protects floors in factories and especially standing workers. Indeed, our mats for industry have very specific characteristics: anti-fatigue, electrical protection mats, sound and heat insulation, but also resistant to welding sparks…

It is also very important to choose it according to the use you want to make of it. If you need advice on choosing it, do not hesitate to contact us! Our experts are at your disposal for any questions. Come and discover all our products on our IDS website.

Revêtements de sol pour l'industrie
Revêtements de sol pour l'industrie

Our floor coverings for Agriculture

Floor coverings for agriculture being subject to great constraints during their use, IDS is committed to providing you with quality products, tested while being respectful of the environment.

The IDS Agriculture range has been developed to provide breeders with solutions for improving the comfort of their cows.
Indeed, we ensure that each product can respect animal well-being whether it is laying or standing, so we offer you different mats depending on the areas of the barn.

More recently, the Equidae range has been developed to optimize the
comfort and safety of horses by ensuring the protection of their
joints but also perfect sleeping comfort.

IDS : revêtements de sol pour l'agriculture
IDS : revêtements de sol pour l'agriculture